Historical Recordings

Historical Recordings

Ritos de Passagem

Historical Recordings

American Vocal Rarities

Historical Recordings

Classical and Baroque Songs and Arias

Historical Recordings

Villa Lobos plays Villa Lobos

Historical Recordings

Great Voices of the Century in Recorded Rarities II

Historical Recordings

Great Voices of the Century in Recorded Rarities I

Historical Recordings

Great Voices of the Century in Opera and Operetta in Europe in the 1920s and 1930s

Historical Recordings

Great Voices of the Century sing Exotica

Historical Recordings

Rare Recorgings Of Songs from Brazil, Russia and the United States

Historical Recordings

Great Voices of The Century with Gerald Moore Piano, etc

Historical Recordings

Hommage à Rafael Puyana

Catalog - Collections

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The SanCtuS-Puyana Collection

Vocal Jewels

Nelson Freire

Contemporary Recordings

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